Jul 8, 2007

Happiness absolutely has no rules!!

Yesterday I went to one of my mom relatives’ wedding. The wedding was much below average. If I’m to evaluate according to my standards, it will be a complete failure.

As start, the hall …ummmm what to say…small, hot, the chairs were..yakkee…and the hostesses were so scary. The DJ was awful, I can do a very much better work than she did in choosing and playing songs. The bride’s gown was not that pretty, she was not wearing make up( and she is not a pretty at all), her hair was not that great, the groom’s suit was ugly, with his unexplainable tie!!

So what is the important thing here? Weddings differ, and I have gone to weddings that I did not like before, so why is that that important to talk about this wedding? It is the happiness that was showing at the faces of the married couple. They were like couple of birds, enjoying heaven.

They danced freely, having arms all around, with this big un-hidden smile, singing for each other. I have been into weddings much more expensive, more organized, beautiful gowns, suits, cars, girls and guys, a better DJ, and Diffidently a better service, but I missed happiness floating in the atmosphere. All the happiness in their eyes made me truly wonder, there are no rules for happiness, it is not money, beauty, education……nothing controls it, it is rule-less …

Another question popped-up into my head, are they going to maintain their love? Are they going to have this obvious affection for ever? I wish…I really wish to revive my faith in love, and social relationships…I do really wish them Good Luck.


Anonymous said...

May they enjoy it to the max

Sadly though. Most people don't even know what marriage is ... happiness might be another illusion!
But, it's also all about preception. Happiness is 90% preception, and 10 percent reality...
And that preception ... is anything your imagination allows you to have

Keep enjoying the illusion

Miss sea lover said...

i agree with u 100%