Jul 17, 2007

I hate when people give instructions..!!!

I hate it when people give instruction, whether you need it or not, whether they know what they are talking about or not, they just like to talk and talk, so they make u feel: “what the hill I have done, so u got the idea I can not do it right??”

I am not saying that we should not listen to what others think; on the contrary, it is very good to take an advice, I even ask for it, but that when I know that I need it. That day, I was in a wedding party…there are those ladies, who serve at the party, and the photographer, not to mention gussets…all of those people, they start to tell the bride, the groom how to move, act, take pictures, dance, smile…even how to look at each other…GOD…it is not your business guys…they r free to do what they wish…as if u all had the best moments, and you r experts when it comes to weddings and parties…ifff…

Please mom excuse me for saying the following…I do know that u wish me the best, and that u want to teach me every thing u know, so I’ll be perfect in doing things, but please get the idea that I have grown up, I’m old enough to do thing in my way…choose what to wear, where to hang out, with whom, what to eat, when, what to watch, when to wake up and sleep..…for God’s sakes…I’m a manager, they take my opinions in sensitive, critical issues…..and I have managed to be a successful person in this life…so why don’t u believe in me, and just admit it that I can depend on myself……please mom know…I’ll never give up on ur advices, I’ll always need them, and be sure…I’ll ask for them… so plz.....believe in me...love u mom


Anonymous said...

Someone is pissed off!! :)
Believe me my dear, I’ve been there before, SOOOOOOOO MANY TIMES , I know how you feel, but parents look at their kids as they are still kids, no matter how successful you are, no matter how much you grow up, you will always me mommy’s little girl, and they she will always think that she knows what’s best for you.
Just try to understand her. One day inshallah you’ll have your own and you’ll know why she is doing that :) .
I know you hate me know that I said that, I sound like an old lady :D .. but I got to this conclusion after a lot of effort .. it’s hard , but you’ll get there :)

Miss sea lover said...

i'm not really pissed off...and yes i know that mom wishes the best for me, and she will alwayse think of me as her little child, she even holds my hand when i want to cross the street, can imagin that??...as i said, i know her feeling...and hey...i'll never hate u for saying any thing, u r free to write what u think of...

Anonymous said...

don't be so desperate, and your blog looks sad too. what maioush has said is true and enough oneday you will know why ur mom is doing that..

Miss sea lover said...

thanks for ur comment. Jad!! is my blog sad???maybe it is a reflection to my status right now, i think i have to work on changing that...thanks anyway...:D

Anonymous said...

yes, unfortunately that's true, all of it including the font used. Don't be angry, but really try to be more joyful. I suggest switching to wordpress, it's better ,I hate blogspot anyway..

Miss sea lover said...

Gradly, i wont be angry..it is u right to say what u think:D...for the pont, lol..i looked for comic, it is my fav. but it was not there. if u read my 1st blog, u would know that i'm so fresh in this, i even don't know how to be part of other bologs!!i'll check wordpress..and see what happens.....

Anonymous said...

I can help, i hope to be always ready for that, don't hesitate, i will ask ur answers ... cheers